Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (IÜD), Universität Heidelberg


Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen, Universität Heidelberg, Plöck 57a, 69117 Heidelberg. Contact Professor Dr. Bogdan Babych, email

View the Project on GitHub bogdanbabych/courses

Department of Translation, Communication and Technology

Institute for Translation and Interpreting, Heidelberg University

Home Teaching Research Collaboration Techologies Image Image

Development of translation technologies and applications

Experiments and tools developed for our research projects, teaching, academic and industrial collaboration

  1. colloc4nlg Experiments on using collocations for Natural Language Generation: colloc4nlg; web; code.
  2. smallSMT A prototype SMT system for Lingenio’s FlexNeuroTrans project: web interface web file interface.
  3. cgiBLEU: On-line interface to BLEU / NIST evaluation toolkit: cgiBLEU.
  4. Human MT evaluation interfaces: